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  • ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024 Results

    ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024 Results CONTAINS SPOILERS ROH: Death Before Dishonor 2024 was broadcast live on July 26, 2024, from the Esports Stadium in Arlington, TX! The event began with the ROH: Zero Hour preshow kicking things off on the official ROH YouTube Channel! Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were the commentary team for tonight’s event. The Debut of MxM Collection— “The Sultan of Suave” Mansoor & Mason Madden vs. Spanish Announce Project—Angelico & Serpentico! Mansoor hit Serpentico with a flurry of offense, showing off his athleticism and poise. Mason Madden tagged in by touching Mansoor’s fingertip. Angelico was caught in the corner by Mason and Mason planted him with a split slam. MxM utilized tandem offense on Angelico and then a combination on Serpentico to overwhelm S.A.P. Madden distracted Serpentico by voguing on the apron, and then Mansoor dropkicked Serpentico. Mansoor flattened Serpentico with a spinebuster. Mason stepped over the top rope and blasted S.A.P. with big back elbows. Mason speared Serpentico! MxM finished off Serpentico with the Centerfold scored the pin! After the match Maria Kanellis walked onto the stage and applauded MxM, telling them, “Good work!” “The Problem” Marina Shafir vs. Angelica Risk! Risk chopped at Marina, but Marina didn’t budge. Marina grabbed Angelica and locked in the Mother’s Milk choke and won via referee stoppage! Griff Garrison (with Maria) & Anthony Henry vs. The Infantry—Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean (with Trish Adora)! The Infantry were too much for Henry, and he was forced to tag out to Griff. Griff got momentum back on his team’s side, using his size advantage to overpower Carlie Bravo. Henry went to work on Carlie Bravo with an inside standing knee bar. Henry transitioned to an STF on Carlie Bravo. Henry put Bravo in the Rings of Henry, but Bravo broke the hold by biting the bottom rope.  Griff used his long legs and booted Carlie with a big boot to the face. Carlie came back and planted Anthony Henry. Griff blocked Carlie from making the tag. Dean finally tagged in and “the Captain” cleaned house on Garrison and Henry! Henry tagged himself in and Maria took exception to this, jumping on the apron to argue with Henry. Dean rolled up Henry for a near fall. As Henry kicked out of the pin, he inadvertently knocked Maria off the apron and into Griff’s arms! The Infantry blasted a stunned Henry with Boot Camp and picked up the pin! The Outrunners—Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd vs.  Top Flight—Darius & Dante Martin (with Action Andretti)! Dante dropkicked Truth. Turbo tagged in but Top Flight used a variation of Total Elimination on him. The Outrunners rallied back, though, after some interference courtesy of their valet Erica Lee. They hit a double body slam on Darius.  Turbo applied a sleeper on Darius, but Darius countered with a snap mare and a big back suplex. Dante and Truth tagged in for their respective teams. Dante drilled Truth with furious forearms. Dante cracked Truth with a kick and then a jumping knee strike. Dante connected with a spicy dropkick to Turbo while Darius planted Truth and picked up the pinfall victory! The main card of Death Before Dishonor kicked off with… Komander (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. The Beast Mortos! The Beast Mortos caught Komander on the arena floor and then power bombed him on Abrahantes! The Beast bashed Komander into the steel ring post. Back in the ring, the Beast Mortos press slammed Komander onto the turnbuckles, knocking the wind out of Komander! Komander rallied back by shoving the Beast into the steel ring post. Komander jumped through the ropes and drilled the Beast Mortos with a DDT on the arena floor! Komander rocked the Beast Mortos with a hurracanrana off the apron and onto the floor! Komander ran the top strand and flipped onto Mortos with a dive! Komander nailed the Beast with a poison rana for a near fall! The Beast Mortos blocked a dive from Komander and then planted him with a Samoan Drop for a two-count! Komander fired back with a crucifix driver and then a swinging Mexican Destroyer!  The Beast Mortos countered Komander on the top rope and press slammed Komander for a near fall! Komander came back with another destroyer! The Beast Mortos dodged a dive from Komander and then spiked Komander headfirst for the pin! It was announced that tomorrow night on Collision on TNT at 8pm it’ll be the Beast Mortos vs. Hologram! Backstage, Melissa Santos interviewed MxM! MxM said they’d be facing FTR on Collision! ROH World Tag Team Championship Match! Undisputed Kingdom (c.)—Mike Bennett & Matt Taven vs. The Conglomeration’s Kyle O’Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii! Bennett blasted Ishii with chops, but Ishii fired right back. Ishii took Bennett off his feet with a shoulder block. Taven and O’Reilly tagged in for their respective teams. Kyle immediately locked on a cross arm bar, but Taven escaped and dropkicked Kyle. Kyle jumped off the apron and delivered a knee strike to Bennett. Ishii was wiped out by a tope suicida from Taven, but Kyle clocked Taven with a jumping knee strike! Kyle battered Taven with kicks in the ring. Taven hit Kyle with a thrust kick, knocking Kyle to the ropes. Kyle tried for his comebacker lariat, but Bennett was positioned outside the ring, close enough to hold Kyle while Taven jumped over the top rope and landed on Kyle! Kyle tried to mount a comeback, but the Undisputed Kingdom planted Kyle with the Proton Pack for a near fall. Kyle finally made the tag and Ishii brutalized and punished the Kingdom with power moves! Taven cracked Ishii with the Kick of the King. Taven called for the Hail Mary and then stuffed Ishii! Ishii got right back up to his feet and Taven and Bennett were shocked! Ishii hit a brain buster on Bennett. Kyle locked Bennett in a knee bar. Taven frog splashed Kyle! Both teams got to their feet and traded forearms. Ishii and Kyle used the Total Elimination on Taven! Ishii rocked Bennett with an avalanche brain buster and then Kyle smashed Bennett with Chasing the Dragon. Taven jumped in to break up the pin attempt! Don Callis and Kyle Fletcher walked down to the ring! Kyle Fletcher taunted O’Reilly! Don Callis jumped on the ring apron to distract ref Aubrey Edwards. Bennett hit Kyle O’Reilly with a low blow and then cradled O’Reilly with a small package to pick up the win! Texas Death Match! “Legit” Leyla Hirsch vs. Diamante! The fight began right away, both women swinging chairs at one another at the top of the ramp! Diamante hurled Leyla off the ramp and through a table below! Leyla got to her feet just before the 10-count! Diamante tied up Leyla in the Tree of Woe in the ring. Diamante brought steel chairs into the ring and then propped the chairs against Leyla’s face. Diamante dropkicked the chairs into Leyla’s face! Leyla was busted wide open, blood streaming down her face. Diamante charged at Leyla, but Leyla moved out of the way, sending Diamante crashing head first into the chairs. Diamante’s head was gushing blood now. Leyla opened a bag of thumbtacks and poured them into the ring.  Leyla suplexed Diamante off the turnbuckles into the thumbtacks! Leyla poured more thumbtacks onto Diamante’s body. Leyla tried for a moonsault, but Diamante dodged it! Leyla landed right into the pile of thumbtacks!  Diamante had a roll of duct tape. Diamante taped up Leyla to the ropes. Diamante grabbed a flipflop lined with thumbtacks and smashed it into Leyla’s forehead! Leyla pulled herself free of the duct tape. Diamante placed barbed wire wrapped boards onto four steel chairs outside the ring. Leyla grabbed Diamante, placed Diamante on her back, and then fell backwards off the apron, planting Diamante through the barbed wire boards! Leyla put a ladder and a table in the ring. Leyla tied Diamante to the table with duct tape. Leyla climbed the ladder and moonsaulted from the top of the ladder down onto Diamante, crashing through the table! Both women were down, but “Legit” Leyla got to her feet just before the 10-count, being declared the winner! ROH Pure Title Match! Wheeler Yuta (c.) vs. Shane Taylor Promotions’ “Taiga Style” Lee Moriarty! The judges for this match were Jerry Lynn, Paul Wight, and Christopher Daniels. Yuta went for a knee bar and Moriarty grabbed the ropes, utilizing a rope break. Moriarty was quick to even up the score, though, with Yuta grabbing the ropes. Yuta knocked down Moriarty with a knife edged chop. Yuta was then issued a warning after hitting Moriarty with a closed fist strike. This was in done to retaliate a closed fist strike from Moriarty, but the ref didn’t see Moriarty use it on Yuta! Yuta applied another arm bar and Moriarty went for the ropes, using his second rope break. Moriarty wrenched Yuta’s arm and shoulder over the top rope. Moriarty and Yuta traded forearms. Lee connected with a running clothesline in the corner. Yuta retaliated with a lariat of his own! Wheeler jumped from the top and connected with a forearm smash. Moriarty delivered a high impact move, a superplex to Yuta from the top rope. Yuta blocked a pile driver, but Lee struck Yuta with a closed fit and was issued a warning. Lee dropped Yuta with a straitjacket. Yuta cradled Moriarty for a near fall. Moriarty rolled back into position, but Yuta touched the bottom rope, using another rope break. The champ connected with a tope suicida to Lee. Yuta splashed Lee Moriarty from the top rope for a near fall. Moriarty caught Yuta in a submission, but a desperate Yuta used his third and final rope break. The challenger was ahead in points. Yuta put Lee in the cattle mutilation and Lee had to use his third and final rope break! Lee Moriarty hoisted up Wheeler over the top rope and dumped him hard on the ring apron! Yuta locked Moriarty in an arm bar. Moriarty grabbed the ropes for leverage, turned Yuta over, and cradled him for the pin! “That was perfectly legal to use the ropes as both men were out of rope breaks!” said Ian. “We have a new ROH Pure Champion!” replied Caprice.  The fans chanted “You deserve it! You deserve it!” Wheeler Yuta grabbed the championship from the referee and placed it around Lee’s waist. Yuta shook Moriarty’s hand, showing the ultimate sign of respect for the new champ.  ROH Women’s World TV Championship Match! Billie Starkz (c.) vs. Red Velvet! Billie Starkz stomped Red Velvet in the Tree of Woe. Billie yanked Red Velvet by the hair, throwing Velvet across the ring. Red Velvet rallied back with chops to Billie. Starkz cracked Red Velvet with a kick out of nowhere. Red Velvet rocked Starkz with a suplex. Red Velvet connected with a stunner. Red Velvet followed up with a DDT for a near fall. Red Velvet smashed Billie with a meteora. Billie climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Red Velvet met Billie up there and brought Billie down hard with an avalanche victory roll for a near fall.  Billie applied a sleeper on Red Velvet, but Red Velvet escaped. Billie hit a back breaker. Red Velvet wiped out Billie with a rana for a near fall. Red Velvet followed up with a stunner from the top rope. Billie called for Doc Sampson to check on her neck.  Caprice said he’s seen this before from Billie and he wasn’t falling for it again. It turns out Billie was playing possum and cracked Red Velvet with a knee! Red Velvet fell to the mat, but she was playing possum too! Red Velvet body slammed Billie off the top rope as Billie attempted the moonsault! Red Velvet dished out Mama’s Recipe and pinned Billie Starkz to become the new ROH Women’s World TV Champion! ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship Eliminator Match! Dark Order—Evil Uno, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs—Ross & Marshall! The winners will face the Undisputed Kingdom tomorrow night at Battle of the Belts XI to crown new champions! Ross took down Evil Uno with a sling blade. Marshall tagged in and dropped Evil Uno with a drop kick. Ross tagged back in and the Von Erichs hit Uno with a double dropkick.  Alex Reynolds whipped Dustin Rhodes into the steel ring steps. Evil Uno whipped Ross with the bull rope. Evil Uno clawed the back of Ross with his finger nails. Ross tried to fight his way out of the Dark Order’s corner, but they swarmed him. Ross finally jumped halfway across the ring and tagged Marshall! Marshall cleaned house on the Dark Order! Marshall nailed John Silver with a cannonball in the corner. Marshall put the claw on Evil Uno, but Reynolds broke it up. The Dark Order went to work on Marshall, double teaming him. Silver kicked Marshall in the chest and followed up with a German Suplex.  “This has been a brilliant display by the Dark Order,” said Ian.  Evil Uno spiked Marshall with a piledriver for a near fall. Marshall rolled out of the way of a moonsault from Alex Reynolds. Ross planted Reynolds with a spinebuster! Dustin tagged in and bulldozed Reynolds with lariats and then a back body drop!  Dustin dished out snap power slams to the Dark Order members! Dustin rocked Reynolds with the Cross Rhodes, but Evil Uno jumped in to break up the pin attempt. Reynolds and Silver used their trademark tandem offense on Dustin. Reynolds covered Dustin but Dustin kicked out at the two-count! Dustin drilled Reynolds with a destroyer! Marshall put the Iron Claw on Silver! Ross locked the Iron Claw on Evil Uno! Dustin Rhodes wiped out Reynolds with the Shattered Dreams and then planted him for the pinfall victory! After the match, “The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata came down to the ring and raised the Von Erichs’ hands, giving them his stamp of approval! Survival Of The Fittest ROH World TV Championship Match! Lee Johnson vs. Lio Rush vs. Atlantis Jr. (c.) vs. Shane Taylor vs. Johnny TV (with Taya Valkyrie) vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage! Johnny TV tried for a thrust kick on Cage, but Cage blocked it and pushed Johnny’s foot into Shane Taylor’s face! Shane Taylor knocked Johnny TV into next week! Taylor was taken down by flying head scissors from Brian Cage. “The Machine” followed up with a body slam on Taylor. Lio Rush rocked Atlantis with a stunner for a near fall. Johnny TV poked Lee Johnson in the eyes and then grounded and pounded him. Taylor power bombed Johnny for a two-count. Taylor brought down Cage with a suplex. Cage spiked Taylor with a DDT! Johnny TV hit a back flip Samoan Drop on Lio Rush. Lee Johnson dropkicked Johnny TV. Atlantis staggered Lee with a thrust kick to the temple. Atlantis jumped at Shane Taylor with a tope suicida. Lio landed a beautiful bottom rope moonsault on Atlantis. Leo flipped over the top and landed on Lee and Atlantis! Johnny TV jumped onto them with a tornillo. Cage took note and flipped over the top rope and onto the pile of men!  Everyone ganged up on Shane Taylor and he fought them off with strikes, lariats, and headbutts. Lio Rush connected with a frog splash on Shane Taylor and pinned him! “Wow, I did not see that coming!” said Caprice. Lee smashed Lio with the Big Shot Drop and eliminated Leo Rush! Cage and Johnny TV had a stare down in the center of the ring. They formed an alliance and double teamed Lee Johnson and Atlantis. After tandem offense from Johnny TV and Brian Cage, Cage pinned Lee Johnson. Johnny TV and Brian Cage turned their attention to Atlantis. Johnny betrayed Cage and rocked him with thrust kicks and then a neck breaker. Atlantis sent Johnny TV flying with a monkey flip. Atlantis blasted Johnny with a Mexican Destroyer for a near fall! Brian Cage brought Atlantis into the ring with a deadlift vertical suplex. Taya jumped in the ring and slapped Cage. As the ref was checking on Atlantis, Taya held Cage’s arms and Johnny TV kicked Cage between the legs! Cage fired back with a lariat and then the Drill Claw to eliminate Johnny TV! Cage and Atlantis Jr. were the final two! Cage connected with a discus lariat. Atlantis countered the Drill Claw attempt with a victory roll and pinned Brian Cage! Atlantis Jr. retained the ROH World TV Championship tonight! ROH Women’s World Championship Match! Athena (c.) vs. Queen Aminata! Athena blasted Queen Aminata with a running cross body press to the outside after avoiding the Off With Your Head Kick. Athena whipped Aminata into the barricades and then the steel ring steps. Athena charged at Aminata, but Aminata countered with a drop toe hold. Athena fired back with a front suplex on the floor. Back in the ring, Aminata turned the tables with a big back breaker on Athena. Aminata wiped out the champ with a lariat.  Queen Aminata hit a snap suplex on Athena. Aminata charged at the champ with a dropkick. Aminata nailed Athena with a double stomp for a near fall.  The challenger suplexed Athena into the turnbuckles. Aminata planted Athena with an Air Raid Crash, good for a two-count! Athena trapped Queen Aminata and suplexed Aminata. They exchanged strikes.  Aminata went for a running knee strike, but Athena countered with a single leg crab! Queen Aminata escaped and applied a double hammer lock stretch on Athena! The champ got out of it and locked in the cross face on Queen Aminata! Aminata reached the ropes with her long legs, forcing the ref to break the hold. Athena was looking for the O-Face, but Queen Aminata blocked it! Queen Aminata blasted Athena with a pump kick. Athena gouged Queen Aminata’s eyes and then spiked her with a tombstone piledriver on the steel ring steps! Somehow Queen Aminata rallied back and planted Athena on her head. Billie Starkz sprinted to the ring, but Red Velvet chased right behind her! Starkz and Red Velvet brawled outside the ring! As the ref was distracted, Athena called for Lexi Nair. Lexi handed her the microphone! Athena cracked Queen Aminata with the microphone and then finished off Queen Aminata with the O-Face, retaining the title!  It was announced that Lio Rush will be facing “The Bastard” PAC tomorrow night on Collision! Plus, Thunder Rosa will be taking on Maya World! And in a Trios Match—The Premier Athletes vs. The Conglomeration! And Orange Cassidy vs. Johnny TV! And FTR vs. MxM Collection! ROH World Championship Match! Mark Briscoe (c.) vs. Roderick Strong! Briscoe dodged a dropkick from Roddy. Briscoe chopped Roddy outside the ring. Roddy fired back and blistered up Mark’s chest with stiff chops. Mark Briscoe charged, launched himself off a steel chair, and wiped out Roderick in the front row! Mark was looking for the Froggy Bow, but Roderick raised his knees to counter. Roderick rocked Mark with a back breaker. Mark fired up with redneck kung fu. Briscoe dropped a Cactus Elbow from the apron onto Roderick! Briscoe wiped out Roderick with a sit out missile dropkick and then a fisherman’s buster for a near fall.  The fans chanted “Dem Boys! Dem Boys!” Mark attempted the Jay Driller on the apron, but Roderick blocked it. Roderick planted Briscoe on the apron with a back breaker. Roderick rammed Mark into the steel ring post! Mark Briscoe was busted wide open! Roddy smashed Mark with a back breaker. Roderick locked Mark in a Boston Crab. Mark crawled to the ropes, causing the ref to break the hold. Roderick spiked Mark with the Jay Driller! Mark kicked out at the one-count! Mark Briscoe was fired up and hit a neck breaker and then a fisherman driver for a near fall! Roderick followed up with a right angle slam, but Mark kicked out at the two-count! Mark and Roddy traded forearms. Mark sent Roddy flying with a uranage! Matt Taven jumped off the top rope, trying to interfere, but Mark saw him and knocked him out of the ring! As the ref was dealing with Taven, Mike Bennett jumped into the ring from the opposite side and struck Mark with the championship belt! Roddy covered Mark but Mark kicked out! Roderick planted Mark with a power bomb and followed up with the sick kick, but Briscoe was still in the game, kicking out at two! Ishii and O’Reilly ran down to even up the odds for Briscoe! Ishii and O’Reilly battled Bennett and Taven to the back! Briscoe rolled up Roderick for a two-count! Mark turned Roddy inside out with a lariat! Mark climbed to the top rope, but Roderick connected with a kick! Roddy climbed to the top, but Mark pulled out the redneck kung fu and knocked Roddy back to the mat! Mark Briscoe smashed Roddy with the Froggy Bow and pinned Roderick Strong! Missed out on this historic night of ROH action?! Don’t worry—watch the replay of Ring of Honor: Death Before Dishonor 2024  right now exclusively on Ring Of Honor #HonorClub at   Don’t miss AEW COLLISION & BATTLE OF THE BELTS XI live on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Esports Stadium Arlington in Arlington, TX! Tickets On Sale Now! –

  • ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024 Preview

    DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR has been a staple of ROH's calendar since 2003's event at The Rexplex in Elizabeth, NJ! It all began with ROH World Champion Samoa Joe defending against the departing Paul London, a legendary Dog Collar Match, Jeff Hardy's infamous debut, and The Briscoes challenging AJ Styles & The Amazing Red for the ROH Tag Titles! From that July 19th night in front of ROH's largest crowd to that point until tonight's pay-per-view broadcast on Honor Club, DBD has grown into one of the most important events of ROH's year! From Chicago to Philadelphia and from the historic Hammerstein Ballroom to the Tsongas Center, DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR has come to the ROH faithful from venues around the country, and this year it hails from Texas for the very first time! On top of the card we will see former ROH World Champion Roderick Strong challenge current ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe in their first singles match since 2016! Plus, “The Fallen Goddess” Athena is forced to put her AEW Women's World Championship on the line against Queen Aminata while her minion Billie Starkz is defending her AEW Women's World Television Title against the double-tough Red Velvet, and Leyla Hirsch battles Diamante in a Texas Death Match! It begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT exclusively on Honor Club , with the ZERO HOUR coming to you on the official ROH YouTube channel at 7:00p. It's ROH's biggest event of the summer, and where the road to FINAL BATTLE 2024 begins, so do not miss out on the hottest professional wrestling action on the planet when Ring of Honor comes to Arlington, TX and the Esports Arena! ROH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Mark Briscoe(c) vs. Roderick Strong The history between Mark Briscoe and Roderick Strong dates back twenty years to their first encounter on May 22, 2004 at the GENERATION NEXT event. That night Roderick was part of a group that co-opted the name of the show as their own, proceeded to dominate everyone they fought that night, including a foursome comprised of Mark, his later brother Jay Briscoe, the late Jimmy Rave, and future ROH Pure Champion John Walters. It could've been the beginning of a tremendous rivalry, but just a few months later Mark was in a very serious motorcycle accident, and the repercussions from that meant The Briscoes were absent from Ring of Honor for eighteen months. When they returned to the fold, Roderick stood as one-half of the ROH Tag Team Champions alongside former ROH World Champion Austin Aries, but frankly the tag division had grown quite anemic.  The return of The Briscoes and their subsequent rivalry with Strong and Aries over the titles reinvigorated that division and led to some incredible fights over the course of 2006. Be it the Jack Evans/Roddy bout with The Briscoes at BEST IN THE WORLD 2006, the tag title matches with Strong/Aries at RING OF HOMICIDE and DESTINY, or their top-tier final championship clash at the historic UNIFIED event in Liverpool, England, the battles between them set a new bar for tag team excellence in Ring of Honor, and independent wrestling as a whole. Even Mark and Roderick's first singles clash at HOW WE ROLL was a hard-hitting affair between the two young athletes, but it was all just setting the stage for what was to come over the next two decades.  The rivalry between The Briscoes and Roderick Strong expanded beyond the borders of ROH, pitting them against each other in different fashions at 1PW in England, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla where PAC and Strong beat Jay and Mark for the tag titles in DDT4 2007, and FIP in Florida, a promotion that was considered a sister to ROH for several years in the mid-aughts. Still, Ring of Honor was the home for the vast majority of their wars, and no matter who Roderick Strong allied himself with, he inevitably ended up in competition with Dem Boys. The No Remorse Corps of Strong and Rocky Romero faced them in a pair of ROH World Tag Title matches, and were actually the first team to score a fall on the brothers while they were in the midst of a dominating unbeaten streak in 2/3 Falls Matches. When Strong was with The House of Truth, he found himself in the ring with Jay, Mark, and Papa Briscoe at one point and even after he formed The Decade with Jimmy Jacobs, Roderick invariably collided with Mark and Jay.  In the midst of all their fighting, the two did grow a strong bond, one that led to a rather amusing bout at the riotous MICHAEL BENNETT'S BACHELOR PARTY event, a match where the loser wasn't allowed to drink. As hard as they fought, they were capable of having fun with one another as well, but the competitive streak in both men ultimately dominated their interactions, though they did occasionally find themselves on the same side of the fight. So bonded were the two men that as Roderick Strong was heading towards the end of his run with Ring of Honor in June 2016, Mark Briscoe was Roddy's final pay-per-view opponent at BEST IN THE WORLD 2016. Coincidentally, Roddy's last actual opponent in Ring of Honor was Dalton Castle, the man he defeated to earn this shot at Mark Briscoe's ROH World Championship. All told, Mark and Roddy have clashed in six singles matches over the last 18 years with the record split evenly between the two, but of course the balance in their clashes changes when factoring in multi-man matches, tag team affairs, etc, but when just looking at their meetings since coming into All Elite Wrestling, it feels appropriate they are 1-1 in their two multi-man affairs. But this is a different playground. Not only is it DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR, it's also a homecoming for Roderick Strong after eight years away, and it is one-on-one. No Undisputed Kingdom at Roddy's side, no Conglomeration at Mark's, just the two of them picking up where they left off in the place where both made their names in professional wrestling! As a member of the ROH locker room from day one, Mark fought long and hard to become ROH World Champion, battled through multiple failures trying to claim his first ROH singles title and that dream came true at SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2024 in Philadelphia, the city where Ring of Honor was born! Now Strong is aiming to end that dream, and give birth to one of his own where he joins the ranks of multi-time ROH World Champions! He's already a Triple Crown winner in ROH, having previously reigned as ROH World Champion, a 2-Time Television champ, and a Tag Team Champion, but adding 2-Time ROH World Title holder to that resume would make him just the seventh individual to accomplish that feat.   One final statistical note for each man as it pertains to their DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR history; Roderick Strong participated in fourteen DBD events during the course of his ROH career, netting a 6-8 record over those bouts, and is 0-1-1 in title fights taking place on those cards. As for Mark Briscoe, he's got twenty-three DBD events on his resume, racking up a record of 9-14 across the last twenty years, but when titles are on the line, he's just 2-7 overall. Roderick and Mark have never fought at this ROH tentpole event, so this is quite a seminal moment for both in that regards, but the question is now who will be left standing when that final bell rings? Will “Chicken” continue moving forward as ROH World Champion, or will “The Messiah of the Backbreaker” live up to his other moniker of “Mr. ROH” and bring that belt to the Undisputed Kingdom?  ROH WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH “The Fallen Goddess” Athena(c) vs. Queen Aminata 594 days; when she walks into Arlington, TX tonight for DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024, “The Fallen Goddess” Athena will have reigned as champion since FINAL BATTLE 2022 on December 10, 2022 when she defeated Mercedes Martinez. In that time frame she's turned away twenty-one challenges from eighteen different women, including a rematch with Martinez ten months after their initial fight, and shut down thirty Proving Ground/Eliminator attempts to earn a title fight! In the entirety of ROH's history, there is only Samoa Joe's 645-day World Title reign that surpasses what Athena has accomplished during her domination of the division.  But then came this injury, and as a result the only competition “The Fallen Goddess” has seen since HONOR CLUB #66 on May 30th was at Prestige Wrestling on July 12th where she wore her boot to the ring and used it as a weapon to defeat Masha Slamovich. Initially no one questioned the injury, but as time wore on the queries could not be avoided, and when Athena refused to vacate the title it threw further suspicion on just how valid the injury was at this point. ROH cameras even captured her doing some things that clearly she would not have been doing had the injury still been a valid concern.  In the midst of all this controversy over Athena's injury, and in the wake of failing to become the first AEW Women's World TV Champion at SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2024 in her bout with Billie Starkz, Queen Aminata emerged as the top contender to The Forever Champion's crown. She's won three consecutive bouts since then, and nine of her ten singles match in ROH competition, including one over ally Red Velvet en route to the TV Championship Tournament Finals. As a result, Queen Aminata has become the top contender for Athena's championship, and the two women will clash tonight at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024!    This night marks Aminata's first DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR event while Athena celebrated her first last year with a victory over Willow Nightingale; will the Queen have the same success as the champion did or will “The Fallen Goddess” find a way to overcome her “injuries” and continue to push towards surpassing Samoa Joe's historic feat? ROH WOMEN'S WORLD TV CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Billie Starkz(c) vs. Red Velvet Billie Starkz became the first-ever ROH Women's World Television Champion at SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2024 when she beat Queen Aminata, albeit with some seriously underhanded trickery, in front of ROH's hometown Philadelphia audience. Since then Starkz has successfully turned away...not one single challenge to her championship...but has defeated five different women in Proving Ground competition. That is an accomplishment of course, but going more than three months without putting the title on the line against a single challenger is more an indictment to your worthiness as a title holder than anything else. Tonight during DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024, any illusion of choice that Billie Starkz may have had about her title challengers crumbles to dust as she faces a woman she's never beaten before in Red Velvet! Their two previous bouts took place on AEW programming, one during DARK #176 on 12/27/22 and the other on the 1/30/23 edition of ELEVATION, and both went in favor of Red Velvet in less than six minutes combined.  To be fair, Starkz has come along way since then, especially since coming under Athena's wing as one of her minions, but there's still that psychological edge of knowing how your opponent has dominated you in the past. Starkz can't possibly look at Red Velvet and not think about how she beat Billie in less than two minutes in their first fight, and how their second encounter wrapped up in less than four. She has to look at Red Velvet and see how, in her nine Ring of Honor matches, the only bout she lost was to Queen Aminata, the woman Billie had to cheat out of becoming the first World TV Champion.  That being stated, Billie Starkz is on a huge roll of her own right now; since losing to Athena at FINAL BATTLE 2023, Billie has won fourteen consecutive matches, thirteen of them in one-on-one competition, meaning there's no one save her mentor Athena who is on a bigger roll in Ring of Honor. The question is if that roll is a big enough morale booster to Billie Starkz to get past the knowledge of her history with Red Velvet? Is it enough to get the Women's World TV Champion over the hump and help her earn that first victory over Red, or will we see the crowning of a new champion at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024? TEXAS DEATH MATCH... Diamante vs. “Legit” Leyla Hirsch A week ago Diamante managed to defeat “Legit” Leyla Hirsch, a rematch of their HONOR CLUB #69 contest from June 20th, a bout won by Hirsch but it was Diamante left standing after she assaulted the winner following the pinfall. It was far from their first encounter, the two women first tangled on opposite sides of a tag match back on the April 26, 2021 edition of DARK: ELEVATION, fought singles battles on DARK #87 and DARK #100, both won by Hirsch, as well as battled in a few tags and trios in 2021.  It wasn't until ROH was reborn once more that these two women became entangled once again, first meeting under the Ring of Honor banner during an HONOR CLUB #45 on January 4th of this year. Diamante and Mercedes Martinez won that tag bout, and Diamante followed that up with a Four Corner Survival victory during HONOR CLUB #50, scoring the pinfall directly on Hirsch albeit with her feet on the ropes. Those two matches were just the beginning; the two women were on opposite sides of a Trios Match during HONOR CLUB #60 where Hirsch's team scored the win, then they'd meet again in Trios competition three weeks later, with different partners this time around, and it would be Diamante's team that got the victory. In neither match did the deciding fall come between Hirsch and Diamante, though Diamante did get the deciding fall on HONOR CLUB #63 for her team. HONOR CLUB #68 put the two women opposite one another once more in a third Trios battle, only this time it was Leyla Hirsch who took the pinfall, albeit to Alex Windsor rather than Diamante, but the result came from Diamante's trio being coordinated enough to work the referee out of position and take advantage of the situation. It was that result that led to their HONOR CLUB #69 singles match, and the aftermath of that bout that led to HONOR CLUB #73's Lights Out match, but technically that fight doesn't exist. In terms of official wins and losses, a Lights Out Match never happened, the official record still shows that in one-on-one Ring of Honor matches, Leyla Hirsch holds a 1-0 advantage over Diamante. Officially that is what the record book states, but the reality doesn't support that narrative, the reality is that Diamante beat Hirsch in that Lights Out match, and thus their record in ROH stands at 1-1. That is why these two warriors will enter the Esports Stadium tonight at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024 and lock horns in a Texas Death Match! It has been seven years since Ring of Honor has presented this kind of match, at the SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST 2017: NIGHT 2 event to be precise, and that was just the third time in the company's history a Texas Death Match has taken place. The first time was back in 2002 at the inaugural GLORY BY HONOR event, the second in 2012 at THE NIGHTMARE BEGINS, and then that aforementioned ROH World Title fight between Cody Rhodes and “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels. It's a rarity in ROH, and this will be the first time such a potentially violent affair has gone down between members of the Women's roster.  After the Lights Out contest, Leyla Hirsch and Diamante both showed their capacity for violence, and if Diamante thinks Hirsch can't sink down to the depths, she best remember this is the same woman who frequently used one of the ring hooks as a weapon not too long ago! At DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2022 a year ago fans witnessed a wild Fight Without Honor involving The Dark Order and  The Righteous; this Texas Death Match could surpass what that brought to the table, let's just hope that it brings an end to the hostilities between these two warriors before one end ups with permanent damage! ROH PURE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH... Wheeler Yuta(c) vs. Lee Moriarty Last night during ROH ON HONOR CLUB, The Blackpool Combat Club duo of ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli scored a victory over Shane Taylor Promotions as represented by Lee Moriarty and Anthony Ogogo. With the knowledge of this championship fight fueling Yuta and Moriarty in the tag battle, it was a crucial victory for The BBC's only champion, especially after being taken to a time limit draw the last time he was in the ring with Lee Moriarty for the Proving Ground match. That ten-minute draw, only the second Proving Ground bout in the Pure Title's history, is what earned Moriarty this defense, and his second chance to finally earn a title that seems custom-made for his wrestling style. Yet it's more than that simply because Wheeler Yuta is the man holding the Pure Championship, see theirs is a history dating back years before either stepped into an AEW ring, even before their was an All Elite Wrestling ring to step into for that matter. They'd encountered one another in BEYOND, AIW, BLP,  and of course in the era of honor that was reborn with SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2022. Their lone singles match over the last two years saw Yuta victorious, and it just underlined the journey taken by both men over the course of their careers. They are both of a generation who began their wrestling careers in a world where Ring of Honor already existed; it was inspirational to both men, a goal to be achieved, but Yuta was the only one of the two who had the opportunity pre-FINAL BATTLE 2021. Then when both men came to occupy space in the AEW locker room, both came onto the radar of a Blackpool Combat Club that, at the time, consisted of Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley, and William Regal. Lee Moriarty fought Bryan Danielson, he fought Jon Moxley, but ultimately it was Yuta who ended up standing side-by-side with The BCC while Moriarty drifted from the tutelage of Matt Sydal to standing with Stokely Hathaway's Firm before ultimately finding a home with Shane Taylor as the former ROH World TV Champion reorganized his Shane Taylor Promotions for ROH and AEW. For the first time since coming to ROH/AEW, Lee Moriarty found a place that he felt fit him, allies that shared his aspirations, and who fought with the same mentality as him.  Moriarty has always been a technical marvel, he even demonstrated a willingness to go strike-for-strike with an opponent when the time called for it, but under the STP banner he found a viciousness that wasn't there before, just as Wheeler Yuta found with The BCC's tutelage. There's a reason Yuta is the only 3-Time ROH Pure Champion (for that matter the only 2-Time as well), and it's because of the experience he's garnered training with Danielson, Moxley, and Castagnoli, and the blood he's spilled fighting in environments like Anarchy in the Arena, Blood & Guts, and Stadium Stampede. It's because of the fights with men like Daniel Garcia, Katsuyori Shibata, and Eddie Kingston that Yuta is the fighter he's become, and even with months off recovering from injury, he's come back without missing a beat, possibly angrier than ever before because of the time he missed. So what we have here tonight in this Pure Championship bout is a meeting of two men walking similar path, who each found a home that's made them better fighters, and who are both quite hungry to prove they are the best at what they do. The difference being only one has found championship success walking their path while the other has been routinely frustrated in their quest, can this be the night Lee Moriarty adds his name to a lineage that includes, among others, Jay Lethal, Samoa Joe, Nigel McGuinness, and Katsuyori Shibata, or will Yuta continue pushing towards possibly becoming the greatest Pure Champion of all-time? ROH WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH... The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)(c) vs. The Conglomeration (Kyle O'Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii) The Undisputed Kingdom has been trying to convince Kyle O'Reilly to join their ranks essentially from the moment Kyle returned to All Elite Wrestling after struggling through injuries for over a year. The history between Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong was clearly the strongest tie, but there's a bond between individuals who shared Ring of Honor locker rooms over the years, even if they were at each other's throats during those years, and that's essentially put Matt Taven and Mike Bennett in the same sphere as Roddy when it comes to O'Reilly. They are connected through the letters ROH, they are bound together by their experiences under that banner, and now they return to that stage with a new battle on their hands. With Kyle's repeated rejection of The Undisputed Kingdom, he has now become a target, especially for Taven and Bennett, but thankfully for Kyle's welfare he found like-minded individuals in ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy, and now “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii. Briscoe dubbed this collection of disparate individuals a “Conglomeration” several weeks ago, and the name has stuck ever since, but it suits them as a mish-mosh of competitors with so little in common on the surface. But underneath the skin they are all bonded by their issues with The Undisputed Kingdom, while all but Orange Cassidy are bonded by their ROH history, and tonight they get to be bonded by violence in pursuit of championship gold! Despite their protestations and pleas for a night off to celebrate Roderick Strong's birthday and (hopeful) World Championship victory, the ROH World Tag Team Champions will defend their titles at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024 against The Conglomeration pairing of Kyle O'Reilly and Ishii! Kyle and Ishii were foes in the past, they've been allies as of late, uniting during FORBIDDEN DOOR 2024's ZERO HOUR in a Four Way tag bout then again on the July 19th RAMPAGE for a Trios victory over The Undisputed Kingdom. After hearing Paul Wight's decree last night, it looks like this Conglomeration pair has a huge opportunity to knock The UK off the top of the tag team mountain, so will tonight see the end of The Undisputed Kingdom's third reign as ROH World Tag Champions, or will we see Kyle wear that title again for the first time since April 4, 2105, and Ishii for the first time?  ROH WORLD SIX-MAN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP ELIMINATOR MATCH... The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno, & John Silver) vs. Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erich (Marshall & Ross) ***WINNER FACES UNDISPUTED KINGDOM AT BOTB XI*** We witnessed Dustin Rhodes and The Von Erichs unite last week during AEW COLLISION, and saw some of the results of their partnership last night on HONOR CLUB when Marshall and Ross defeated Alex Reynolds and John Silver in tag team competition. It was a bit of a shock to The Dark Order given that their level of experience as a team far surpasses the Von Erich brothers, but there's something to be said for how that familial bond enhances a tag team dynamic, how growing up side-by-side creates the chemistry unrelated tag partners take years to cultivate. That's what The Von Erichs have here, as well as the knowledge passed down to them from father Kevin, and now it's been melded with what “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes has to offer as man whose experience inside the squared circle has taken him through one evolution of the game after another. There is likely not a better active wrestler to take the lessons learned across his career, meld them when the current flow of professional wrestling, and teach it all to those coming up now. That's what has brought Dustin, Marshall, and Ross together, and tonight during DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024, it's what they will have to meld if they hope to become the new ROH World Six-Man Champions! That's right; in the aftermath of The Patriarchy defeating The Bang Bang Gang to claim the AEW World Trios Titles, the Ring of Honor World Six-Man Championship is vacant and tonight in Arlington one team will step closer to filling that void when Rhodes and The Von Erichs meet The Dark Order trio looking to even the score for Thursday night's tag team loss! Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno, and John Silver are one of the most experienced trios in All Elite Wrestling with their 15-7 record, and in the Ring of Honor landscape they are 7-5 together, whereas this will be just the second time Dustin, Marshall, and Ross have teamed up together though it's been five months since their first outing together on AEW RAMPAGE. Dark Order has long been in pursuit of achieving status as the Six-Man Champions, and now stand on the precipice of making their unit's dream a reality, but can they shut down the experience/youth combination that is “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes and The Von Erichs? The future of the ROH World Six-Man Titles begins now; who will take one step closer to leading the division into the future? ROH WORLD TV CHAMPIONSHIP SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST 2024... ***WINNER EARNS A FUTURE ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH*** ROH World Television Champion Atlantis Jr. vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage vs. Johnny TV vs. “Big Shotty” Lee Johnson vs. Lio Rush vs. Shane Taylor Atlantis Jr. defeated Kyle Fletcher on June 28th at Arena Mexico to become the 32nd ROH World Television Champion. It certainly shocked Kyle Fletcher to see his hard-earned championship snatched away while on his first visit to CMLL, especially considering the battle he went through to earn it at FINAL BATTLE 2023, and the ones he went through to keep it. After winning the 2023 Survival of the Fittest tournament to claim the vacant TV Championship, Fletcher stated his mission was to become the greatest TV Champion of all-time, a lofty endeavor considering what Samoa Joe had just accomplished before him, and what Jay Lethal had done as the longest-reigning champion before Joe's dominance. Suffice to say Fletcher's aspirations were torn to shreds by Atlantis Jr., but that just meant it was time for someone new to attempt to chase the greatness established by those two former ROH World TV Champs. Atlantis Jr. wasted little time, getting to ROH proper as soon as possible after winning the title, and putting it on the line against Serpentico to truly begin his reign as champion. It was an impressive beginning for the new champ, but last night on HONOR CLUB he (along with Lio Rush) was shutdown by the unique pairing of Shane Taylor and Johnny TV. Prior to this match taking place it was announced that those four men, along with “The Machine” Brian Cage and “Big Shotty” Lee Johnson, would meet at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024 in the 2024 Survival of the Fittest elimination match! That meant their tag team bout was an opportunity to get a fall on the TV Champion just before the title bout, and Shane Taylor pinning Atlantis Jr. is exactly what we saw go down! That brings us to tonight where the ROH World Television Champion puts his belt on the line against five other challengers! SOTF means elimination rules, meaning Atlantis Jr. has to stay alive through four eliminations to make it to the end and hold on to his title. This is just the second time a title has been on the line in a SOTF bout, the first being the FINAL BATTLE 2023 bout where Fletcher was crowned, but given that December bout was for a vacant title, this is the first where a champion is actively defending the belt. Now there is a mix of experiences within these six individuals as far as Ring of Honor is concerned; for the defending champion, this is just his third match for Ring of Honor, and obviously his first time entering a Survival of the Fittest match. Johnny TV has garnered quite a bit of ROH experience over the last year, even taking part in a Fight Without Honor against Dalton Castle at SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2024, though he is also a newcomer to SOTF competition. For “The Machine” Brian Cage it's the first time competing in Survival of the Fittest, but he's a 2-Time ROH World Six-Man Champion, and once battled Samoa Joe over the ROH World TV Title two years ago. Lee Johnson comes in having recently given Kyle Fletcher the two toughest defenses of his ROH World TV Title reign, including a classic 2/3 Falls Match during HONOR CLUB #69, and he was a participant in the FINAL BATTLE 2023 Survival of the Fittest bout over the ROH World TV Title, though he was the first eliminated in the contest. Then we've got Shane Taylor and Lio Rush, two men quite familiar with SOTF, the World TV Title, as well as one another.  Second one first; before Thursday night's tag team bout, the last time Lio Rush competed in a ROH ring was April 22, 2017 and the man who beat him in that final appearance was none other than Shane Taylor. Prior to that, Lio Rush made his ROH debut in December 2015 before participating, and winning, the 2016 Top Prospect Tournament. A victory in that tournament propelled him to a ROH World Title fight with Jay Lethal, and though that SUPERCARD OF HONOR X fight was a loss, it put Rush into a position for some of the most important fights of his career. Over the next year Rush would  go to war with Christopher Daniels, Roderick Strong, Adam Cole, The Briscoes, even making it to the Finals of the 2016 Survival of the Fittest Tournament where he was one of the last two men remaining. He was one-third of the team fighting to crown the first-ever ROH World Six-Man Champions, stepped into the ring with The Young Bucks to challenge for the ROH World Tag Team Titles, and challenged for the ROH World TV Title at 15th ANNIVERSARY as one of his last ROH bouts. Suffice to say Lio Rush amassed a great deal of experience under the ROH banner in a very short time, and now he's back to pick up where he left off but now with a great deal more experience under his belt. Then there is Shane Taylor, one of the most dominant ROH World TV Champions of all-time who reigned for 218 days with 12 total defenses during that period, as well as a former World Six-Man Champion, and a finalist of the 2017 Survival of the Fittest Tournament. His eyes are on the ROH World Championship, of that there is no doubt, but he's game to fight for any championship opportunity presented, and that World TV Title represents a great deal to Shane T. It's going to be a rough night for Atlantis Jr. as he tries to retain his title under these most difficult of circumstances; will he wake up Saturday with the title still securely in his possession or will it go home with another man after Survival of the Fittest 2024? ALSO FEATURING: -Komander vs. The Beast Mortos ZERO HOUR -MXM Collection make their debut! -Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin) vs. The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024 gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT exclusively on Honor Club, with the ZERO HOUR kicking the night off on the official ROH YouTube channel at 7:00pm! We've got three huge championship matches lined up thus far for ROH's biggest event of the summer, and there's plenty more action to join them! The road to FINAL BATTLE 2024 begins now so you do not want to miss out on Ring of Honor's return to Arlington, TX and our debut at the Esports Stadium! Then be sure to join us on Sunday for two separate Ring of Honor taping sessions to experience the fallout from DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024 first-hand!

  • ROH on HonorClub Episode 74 Preview

    With just twenty-four hours to go until DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024, Ring of Honor returns to HONOR CLUB for an action-packed night setting the table for one of ROH's premier annual events! DBD has been a staple of the ROH calendar since 2003, and this year it's hailing from Texas for the very first time, and there are plenty of competitors looking get in on that piece of history! That means tonight is loaded up with action, including ROH World TV Champion Atlantis Jr teaming with Lio Rush to face the equally unique pairing of Shane Taylor and Johnny TV! Meanwhile Shane T's STP allies, Lee Moriarty and Anthony Ogogo, square off with Blackpool Combat Club members Claudio Castagnoli and ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta, The Gates of Agony are in action against The Spanish Announce Project, The Dark Order take on The Von Erichs, Lexy Nair interviews Queen Aminata and Red Velvet ahead of their DBD '24 title bouts, and so much more from the Esports Stadium! It kicks off tonight at 7pm ET/6pm CT exclusively on Honor Club, your home for Ring of Honor's weekly programming, as well as premier events like DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024, and the 20+ years worth of history contained in the video library featuring competitors like Samoa Joe, Jay Lethal, Jay Briscoe, Lacey, Nigel McGuinness, Colt Cabana, and more! TAG TEAM BATTLE... Blackpool Combat Club (ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Shane Taylor Promotions (Anthony Ogogo & Lee Moriarty) On the July 4th edition of ROH ON HONOR CLUB, ROH Pure Champion met Lee Moriarty in a Proving Ground match, the second time a Pure Title opportunity has ever been on the line in such a situation, but unlike the first time back on the December 14, 2023 edition of ROH ON HONOR CLUB, the challenger took the champion to the ten-minute time limit. While Yuta seemed happy he escaped the match without being beaten by Moriarty, the fact of the matter is that with that draw, the Shane Taylor Promotions member earned himself a Pure Championship match with the Blackpool Combat Club's lone champion.  It was announced on Wednesday that Moriarty would get that opportunity tomorrow night  at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024, but before they clash in that title fight, the two men will meet tonight on Honor Club in tag team competition! It's BCC versus STP when Yuta teams up with Claudio Castagnoli to face Moriarty and Anthony Ogogo, and this will certainly have ramifications on tomorrow night's Pure Title fight! It's about picking up momentum just twenty-four hours before DBD '24, but the question is which man will get that extra push behind them? Tune in to see how everything breaks down tonight on Honor Club! THE CHALLENGERS AND ATHENA'S BESTIE... Last week during HONOR CLUB #73, AEW Women's World Champion Athena told Queen Aminata and Red Velvet that they'd have five minutes of uninterrupted time with Lexy Nair during this week's program. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes-levels of perception to see that this is quite the skewed situation. Lexy is, quite proudly, a member of The M.I.T. And “The Fallen Goddess” Athena has embraced Nair as her bestie for quite some time now. Does that lend itself towards any sort of journalistic neutrality or seem like a situation ripe for exploitation by the ROH World and ROH Women's World TV Champions? Queen Aminata and Red Velvet better have eyes in the back of their heads during this interview time... TAG TEAM BOUT... ROH World Television Champion Atlantis Jr. & Lio Rush vs. Johnny TV & Shane Taylor Atlantis Jr. surprised the wrestling world when he defeated Kyle Fletcher to claim the ROH World TV Championship on the June 28th CMLL event, and as soon as he was able, he made sure to be a defending champion when he faced Serpentico in a championship fight during HONOR CLUB #72 two weeks ago.  Well now he's right back in action in a tag team match that is certainly made of strange bedfellows! The ROH World TV Champion will be joined by Lio Rush, making his first ROH appearance since the April 22, 2017 edition of ROH WRESTLING. Coincidentally enough, Rush's opponent that night was none other than Shane Taylor, one of the men who will also be his opponents, and it will be Johnny TV serving as the former ROH World TV Champion's partner. Shane Taylor has repeatedly stated his desire to become a champion once again in ROH, though his focus has largely been on ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, but surely he'd take a crack at the ROH World TV Title if the opportunity was presented.  That's what this bout represents, the potential to score a fall on Atlantis Jr. and possibly earn a shot at that World TV Title as a result! How will these two unique combinations function tonight during HONOR CLUB, and which odd couple will gel together enough to score victory? TAG TEAM ACTION... The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vs. The Von Erichs (Marshall & Ross) Last week on COLLISION we heard Dustin Rhodes, along with Kevin Von Erich and his sons Marshall and Ross, discuss their intent to work together to help cultivate the careers of the two young men. Tonight during HONOR CLUB, we get our first look at what the knowledge shared by “The Natural” has done for the Von Erich boys when they square up with one of the most experienced tag teams in ROH, The Dark Order's Alex Reynolds and John Silver! Will it be the experience of The Dark Order that wins out, or the youth of The Von Erichs, combined with anything Dustin Rhodes has been able to pass down over the last few days, that scores victory tonight? TEN-MAN TAG... The Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson), Anthony Henry, Jacked Jameson, & Nick Comoroto vs. Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin), Action Andretti, Fuego del Sol, & Komander  There's only one word to describe what this ten-man tag team affair means to HONOR CLUB tonight, and that is chaos! It's Fuego Del Sol making his first appearance inside a ROH ring, it's the experienced trio of Top Flight and Action Andretti teaming up with Fuego and Komander, two men with whom they've never untied, and facing off a quintet in a similar situation. The Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson are quite familiar with one another, but less so with Anthony Henry and Nick Comoroto, and who knows where Nick is coming from given his associations with Jacoby Watts in recent months.  This ten-man tag is destined to breakdown and it's going to be a blast for the ROH faithful to watch go down on HONOR CLUB tonight! ALSO FEATURING: -“The Judge” EJ Nduka vs. Jon Cruz!! -Abadon in action! -And more!!!

  • ROH on HonorClub Episode 73 Preview

    DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024 is just eight days away, and we already know that the ROH World Championship will be on the line between Mark Briscoe and Roderick Strong, the ROH Women's World Title will be at stake between “The Forever Champion” Athena and Queen Aminata, and that Billie Starkz will defend her Women's World TV Championship against Red Velvet. We know Lee Moriarty is owed a ROH Pure Championship match after lasting the time limit on the Proving Ground with 3-Time champ Wheeler Yuta, and that ROH World Tag Champions Matt Taven and Mike Bennett are angling for a night off, but we shall see what else is on tap for ROH's Summer tent pole event! The night begins at 7pm ET/6pm CT exclusively on Honor Club , your home for all ROH programming, from the weekly episodes to pay-per-view events like next week's DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024 , as well as more than twenty years of wrestling history featuring combatants such as Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, Adam Cole, Allison Danger, The Briscoes, Daizee Haze, Matt Sydal, and more! LIGHTS OUT MATCH... “Legit” Leyla Hirsch vs. Diamante Lights Out; that means there are no rules, this doesn't count towards anyone's records, and has no bearing on championship or contention. This is a first for Ring of Honor, having a Lights Out stipulation that reflects this utter lack of rules, any other matches called as such were more akin to a Last Man Standing where the competitor who couldn't answer the ten count lost. Look through the archives of ROH's twenty-two year history and the closest to this iteration of the Lights Out stipulation would be the seven Unsanctioned matches held since 2002.  It's been more than three years since this type of match took place in Ring of Honor, a fight between Vincent and Matt Taven at the 19TH ANNIVERSARY SHOW to be exact, but none of these matches have ever taken place in the Women's Division, that is until tonight on Honor Club! After everything Leyla Hirsch and Diamante have been through in ROH, three singles matches, a Four Corner Survival, as well as multiple tags and trios, the two women are finally aiming to settle their issues in this Lights Out Match! With the rules tossed out the window, with only their pride on the line, who will be able to walk about of this fight under their own power? Hirsch has been the victor in their three previous one-on-one wrestling matches, but this isn't a hold-for-hold wrestling bout, this is a playground where tables and chairs and weapons of any kind are perfectly legal to use at all times! It's going to be a violent night on Honor Club as we head towards DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024 next Friday night; will either of these women be in any shape to partake in that PPV extravaganza? TRIOS MATCH... Dalton Castle & The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) vs. Lance Archer & The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) Fans saw The Outrunners show their support for Dalton Castle last Saturday night on COLLISION when he faced Roderick Strong with the DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024 World Championship match on the line, primarily to serve as a balance for Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, but theirs is a bond that just seems to fit. So while Castle may now be on the outside of the ROH World Title fight between Strong and Mark Briscoe on July 26th, he's still got eyes on finding a way to be part of DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024, so that means getting right back into competition with this Trios match against the rather terrifying force of The Righteous and Lance Archer! Dutch, Vincent, and “The Murderhawk Monster” are 6-2 in Trios competition here in Ring of Honor, one of the loses coming as part of a Four Corner Survival Trios bout and the other in a ROH World Six-Man Title fight with The Mogul Embassy back in January. Suffice to say they are a much more experienced group than Dalton, Truth Magnum, and Turbo Floyd, and it's going to be an uphill battle for the former ROH World Champion to lead The Outrunners to victory! Still, Castle has shown a knack for Trios competition over the years, a true skill at honing competitors into a well-oiled Trio, and perhaps he can do that with The Outrunners starting tonight on Honor Club!!! THE M.I.T. SPEAKETH! ROH Women's World Champion Athena and ROH Women's World TV Champion Billie Starkz both have title defenses on tap next week in Arlington, TX, the former against Queen Aminata and the latter against Red Velvet, and lets just say that neither is happy about Athena's situation. She claims injury but cameras have captured footage that claims otherwise, and Athena even stepped into a Prestige Wrestling week just six days ago for her first match since May, though she did so wearing that boot on her foot (an accessory she actually used to win the match). Regardless of if Athena's injury has legitimacy, and ROH medical would not clear there if they felt it did, she's got a title match in just eight days, Billie Starkz has one in eight days, so tonight on Honor Club we will hear from both women as they prepare for the championship contests! ALSO FEATURING: -Women's World Championship #1 Contender Queen Aminata in action! -Women's World TV Title #1 Contender Red Velvet in action!! -Cage of Agony (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, & Toa Liona) in Trios competition!!! -And more!

  • Roderick Strong Challenges Mark Briscoe For The ROH World Title At Death Before Dishonor

    On Friday July 26th at Esports Stadium Arlington in Arlington, TX ROH Triple Crown winner Roderick Strong will attempt to recapture the Ring of Honor World Title when he takes on ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe at Death Before Dishonor! ROH Death Before Dishonor Esports Stadium Arlington Arlington, TX July 26, 2024 Buy Tickets

  • The ROH Women's World TV Title Will Be On The Line At Death Before Dishonor

    After months of continued back and forth, ROH Women's World Television Champion Billie Starkz and challenger Red Velvet will clash for the title at ROH Death Before Dishonor! ROH Death Before Dishonor Esports Stadium Arlington Arlington, TX July 26, 2024 Buy Tickets

  • Athena Defends Her ROH Women's World Title At Death Before Dishonor

    With an injury still in question, ROH Women's World Champion Athena will defend her title against Queen Aminata at ROH Death Before Dishonor! ROH Death Before Dishonor Esports Stadium Arlington Arlington, TX July 26, 2024 Buy Tickets

  • ROH on HonorClub Episode 72 Preview

    The clock is ticking down towards DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024 ( ) on July 26th and we now know that ROH Women's World Champion Athena will defend her title against Queen Aminata while ROH Women's World TV Champion Billie Starkz puts hers on the line against Red Velvet. In addition, we recently witnessed Lee Moriarty earn a ROH Pure Championship match on the Proving Ground with Wheeler Yuta, and we know there are plenty of teams gunning for the ROH World Tag Championship held by The Undisputed Kingdom!  The face of DBD '24 will continue to take shape tonight during ROH ON HONOR CLUB as Billie Starkz welcomes another competitor onto the Proving Ground as Lee Johnson and The Infantry go into Trios combat with The Dark Order, Skye Blue fights in ROH action, as does Diamante, and we've got a Three Way fight between Marina Shafir, Robyn Renegade, and Taya Valkyrie! Plus newly crowned ROH World TV Champion Atlantis Jr. faces Serpentico on the Proving Ground, and The Righteous go into Trios combat with Lance Archer at their side! The bouts begin at 7pm ET/6pm CT exclusively on Honor Club, your home for  ROH programming, the weekly program as well as pay-per-view events like the upcoming DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024, plus over twenty years of wrestling history featuring fighters like Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, Jay Lethal, Sara Del Rey, Serena Deeb, The Briscoes, The Kingdom, Samoa Joe, and more! TRIOS ACTION... Lee Johnson & The Infantry (Capt. Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo) vs.  The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, John Silver, & Evil Uno) Last week we saw The Dark Order compete against members of The Bang Bang Gang in trios competition, albeit not the triumvirate that hold the Undisputed World Trios Championship, but rather The Gunns and Juice Robinson, and though they gave it their best effort, The Dark Order was stifled in their attempt at victory. It was a continuation of the roller coast year that they've had in 2024, ups and downs with consistency slipping through their fingers, but that doesn't mean they'll just roll over and let the losses take their toll. Instead they are right back in the mix tonight on Honor Club when The Dark Order takes on the combination of Lee Johnson and The Infantry! This is just their second outing as a trio, the first taking place way back on HONOR CLUB #48, but they demonstrated a lot of promise in that victory over The Iron Savages, and aim to pick up where they left off in this Dark Order battle! Can Reynolds, Uno, and Silver get it on track and become contenders for the Trios Championship or will they be frustrated once again as they were in their fight with The BBG? PROVING GROUND MATCH... ROH World Television Champion Atlantis Jr. vs. Serpentico On June 28th, at CMLL's SUPER VIERNES event, Atlantis Jr. defeated “The Protostar” Kyle Fletcher to become the new ROH World Television Champion. It was a simultaneous first, Atlantis Jr.'s first match involving Ring of Honor and Kyle Fletcher's first match for CMLL, and it proved a historic night for both of them! Now, tonight during ROH ON HONOR CLUB, Atlantis Jr. marks another historic moment in his career as he wrestles on ROH programming for the very first time when he invites Serpentico onto the Proving Ground! This marks Serpentico's third Proving Ground match, his first with a potential TV Title match at stake, can he succeed here where he failed against Claudio Castagnoli and Eddie Kingston with ROH World Title fights on the line? PROVING GROUND MATCH... ROH Women's World TV Champion Billie Starkz vs. Mackenzie Morgan Billie Starkz and “The Fallen Goddess” Athena both learned last week that at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2024 ( ) they will be defending their ROH Women's World TV Title and ROH Women's World Championship against Red Velvet and Queen Aminata respectively. Athena can claim “not medically cleared” all she wants, but clearly the ROH Board of Directors and ROH President Tony Khan think otherwise and have slotted her for a title defense in Arlington, TX! But before we get there, Billie Starkz still has to deal with potential challenges to her crown in the form of Proving Ground competition, and this week that means facing Southaven's own Mackenzie Morgan! Morgan, creeping on her two year anniversary as a professional, has racked up quite a bit of experience in her time competing, even holding the Women's Title for CWFM (Championship Wrestling From Memphis) for 310+ days and counting, but this is a huge leap up in competition for Morgan. That being said, it's also a huge opportunity to make an impression and earn a title fight. Last ten minutes, or actually beat the champion; thus far no one has beaten Billie Starkz on the Proving Ground, and no one has lasted longer than five minutes. With Starkz focused on Red Velvet and DBD '24, can Mackenzie Morgan be the first? ALSO FEATURING: -Skye Blue in action! -Diamante steps into the ring!! -And more!!!

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