ROH Final Battle 2023 Results
ROH: Final Battle 2023 was broadcast live on December 15th, 2023, from the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, TX!
The event began with the ROH: Zero Hour preshow kicking things off on the official ROH YouTube Channel!
Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were the commentary team for tonight’s event.
Taya Valkyrie (with Johnny TV) vs. Jazmin Allure!
Taya booted Jazmin and then tossed her across the ring with a straight onslaught. Allure fired back with a forearm. Taya placed Allure on the ropes and hit her with a sliding German Suplex. Taya’s years of experience were too much for Jazmin to handle. Taya superplexed Allure and then stomped Allure’s face, grabbing the pin in the process!
The Von Erichs—Ross & Marshall
The Outrunners—Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd!
The Von Erichs came out to “Stranglehold” and the fans erupted. Marshall threatened to use the famous Von Erich claw and the Outrunners retreated out of the ring.
Marshall cleaned house on the Outrunners, charging in with a big time clothesline to Turbo, and then one to Truth! The Von Erichs used a double hip toss on Truth. The Von Erichs applied stereo Von Erich claws and one the match!
Kevin Von Erich came to the ring to help his sons celebrate in Texas!
Survival Of The Fittest Qualifying Match!
“Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith vs. Jack Cartwheel
The winner will compete for the ROH World TV Title in the Survival Of The Fittest Match later tonight.
Cartwheel lived up to his name as he did a cartwheel and then hit a standing moonsault on Bryan Keith. The “Bounty Hunter” managed to catch Jack mid-cartwheel and kicked him in the stomach. Cartwheel nailed Keith with a cartwheel dragon screw leg whip! Jack followed up with an amazing neck breaker.
Jack stunned Keith with a cartwheel powerslam. Cartwheel smashed Keith with a Spiccoli Driver. Keith cracked Cartwheel with a knee to the head and pinned him after a Tiger Driver! Bryan Keith is moving on to Survival Of The Fittest tonight!
ROH Owner, CEO, and General Manager Tony Khan walked onto the ramp with a microphone!
Tony Khan: “It was in the arena that the greatest trilogy in tag team history began, and that was FTR against the Briscoes. It was also at Final Battle 20 years ago where Jay Briscoe and Bryan Danielson tore it up! And it was also at Final Battle one year ago where Jay Briscoe wrestled his last ever ROH match. It’s a very special place to be. Thank you, Dallas!
Daniel Garcia vs. “All Heart” Blake Christian!
Garcia rammed into Blake with shoulder blocks. Garcia blasted Blake with an elbow to the jaw. Blake Christian fired back with a dropkick and then a handspring wheelbarrow into a double foot stomp!
“It’s like puzzle wrestling,” said Caprice.
Garcia slugged away at Blake with open palm strikes and then stomped him in the corner. Garcia hit a butterfly suplex on Blake, sending Blake crashing against the turnbuckles. Garcia placed Blake in a Tree of Woe. Garcia charged at Blake and rocked him with a big stalling dropkick.
Blake Christian sent Garcia onto the mat with a back breaker, and then a second back breaker. Blake followed up with a flying springboard forearm to the back of Garcia’s neck. Christian connected with a thrust kick and then a running Spanish Fly for a near fall on Daniel Garcia!
The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”
Christian jumped off the ropes with a springboard, but Garcia countered with an ankle lock. Blake escaped and then backflipped over the top rope, landing on Garcia on the arena floor. Blake smashed Garcia with a springboard 450 splash for a two-count on Garcia! Daniel Garcia lured Blake in and forced him to tap after the Dragon Tamer!
ROH Owner, CEO, and General Manager Tony Khan was backstage with an announcement!
Tony Khan was interrupted by ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston, who wondered why he wasn’t booked tonight. Tony Khan told Eddie it was because Eddie was already booked for a big Continental Classic match on Collision tomorrow. Eddie said he still wanted to fight tonight.
Anthony Henry of the Workhorsemen interrupted, saying they were on a roll, and he wanted to fight Kingston tonight! Kingston offered a Proving Ground match.
Tony Khan said he’d sanction the match and if Anthony Henry can last 10 minutes or win the match, he will earn a shot at the winner of the Continental Classic!
The main portion of ROH: Final Battle 2023 kicked off with…
AAA Mega Championship Title Match!
El Hijo Del Vikingo (c.) vs Black Taurus!
Ian wished Kenny Omega a speedy recovery and Caprice sent out prayers.
El Hijo del Vikingo tried for a dropkick on Black Taurus and Taurus shrugged it off. Taurus charged at Vikingo and Vikingo moved. Taurus’ own momentum sent him flying to the arena floor. Vikingo jumped over the top rope, but Taurus caught him midflight and then planted him hard on the arena floor!
Black Taurus showed off his power again with a ripcord powerslam on Vikingo. Black Taurus grabbed Vikingo by the neck and threw him over the top rope. Black Taurus followed up with a spinning tope suicida to Vikingo. Black Taurus crushed Vikingo with a crucifix driver!
El Hijo del Vikingo rallied back with an inverted shooting star press into a hurracanrana on Black Taurus! Black Taurus charged in like a bull, ramming into Vikingo’s midsection. The challenger was back in control. Vikingo managed to rally back with a super Frankensteiner! Vikingo drilled Taurus with an escalator powerbomb on the ring apron!
Vikingo ran the ropes and wiped out Black Taurus with a springboard super dropkick! He lowered his kneepads and charged at Taurus, looking for the meteora, but Taurus got to his feet and hurled Vikingo into the turnbuckles!
Black Taurus press slammed Vikingo from the top rope for a near fall! Vikingo fired back with a moonsault Samoan driver! Black Taurus speared El Hijo del Vikingo!
The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”
Vikingo smashed into Black Taurus with a springboard 720 to Black Taurus on the outside of the ring! Back in the ring Taurus grabbed Vikingo and crushed him with a powerbomb back breaker for a two-count! Vikingo came back with a crucifix driver and followed up with the meteora! Vikingo scored the pin after a 630 off the top rope!
“Vikingo with the match of a lifetime,” said Ian.
ROH World 6-Man Tag Team Title Match!
The Mogul Embassy (c.)—Brian Cage & Gates of Agony—Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun (with Prince Nana)
TMDK—Shane Haste, Bad Dude Tito, & Kosei Fujita!
Tito suplexed Kaun, and then rammed him into the corner. Haste tagged in and went to work on Kaun’s neck and spine. Fujita grabbed a tag, and it was clear TMDK were trying to isolate Bishop Kaun.
“The Machine” Brian Cage tagged in and smashed Fujita with forearms. Cage pressed Fujita and then planted him onto the mat with a slam. Cage followed up with a side suplex. Cage cut off the ring with his back to TMDK. Cage curled Fujita like he was working out at the gym.
Toa and Tito tagged in for their respective teams. Tito connected with a crossbody press and then a satellite DDT for a near fall. Haste entered the fray and chopped at Toa. Kaun grabbed a tag and Toa speared Haste. Tito planted Cage with a Spicolli Driver! Fujita nailed Kaun with a springboard dropkick. Cage tagged in and suplexed Fujita off the ropes. The Gates of Agony hurled Fujita into the waiting arms of Cage! Brian Cage rocked Fujita with a pendulum powerbomb and pinned Fujita!
I Quit Match!
Tony Nese (with “Smart” Mark Sterling) vs. “All Ego” Ethan Page!
Prior to the match, the “World’s Strongest Man” Mark Henry came to the ring! Mark Henry handcuffed Mark Sterling to the ring post to guarantee that Sterling couldn’t interfere.
Nese and Page brawled around the ring. Sterling grabbed a tub of Nese’s protein powder from beneath the ring. Sterling grabbed a handful and threw it at Page, but Page ducked! Sterling inadvertently blinded Nese with the protein powder. Sterling grabbed Page’s leg and held him while Nese nailed Page with a jumping knee strike. The momentum forced Ethan Page into the steel ring post and busted Page wide open!
Ethan Page whipped Tony Nese into the barricade, sending him up and over. Nese gouged at Page’s eyes and then did a leaping clothesline over the guardrail.
“Whether you like him or not, Tony Nese is the Premiere Athlete,” said Caprice.
Nese pulled out a jump rope from beneath the ring. Nese whipped Page with the jump rope. Ethan Page fought back, grabbing the rope and whipping Nese. Tony Nese stalled and then cracked Page in the throat with the microphone.
Nese set up a table, but Page hit him with a thrust kick. Page climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Nese met him up there. Nese tried for a superplex but Page headbutted Nese and followed up with the kill shot. Ethan Page nailed Nese with another kill shot, sending Nese off the apron and through two tables! Nese refused to quit.
Page climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Nese met him up there and sent him flying with a hurracanrana. Nese grabbed the handcuff keys from ringside. He shoved the ref and then uncuffed “Smart” Mark Sterling. Nese and Sterling stomped on Ethan Page. It was legal as this is a No DQ match.
Tony Nese grabbed a 45 lb. plate. Sterling warned Page that they were going to drop the plate on him. Scorpio Sky’s music hit, and Sky came out to even up the odds! Scorpio Sky decked Sterling. Ethan Page kicked Nese and then spiked Nese with a DDT on the plate! Page rammed the plate into Sterling’s head. Page sent Sterling for a ride with Ego’s Edge! Sky took out the trash, carrying Sterling to the back! Nese waffled Page with a steel chair! Nese handcuffed Page’s hands behind his back.
“Ethan Page, I’ll give you one last chance before I knock your head off your shoulders. Do you quit?” asked Nese.
“F--- you!” said Page.
Page booted Nese in the head and followed up with a body drop. Page shoulder tackled Nese. The ref unlocked the handcuffs, but Page kept one on his wrists to use as a weapon. Page rocked Nese in the head with a chair shot! Page wrapped the chain from the cuffs around Nese’s throat and Nese said “I quit!”
Scorpio Sky celebrated with Ethan Page in the ring after the match!
“The Native Beast” Nyla Rose vs. Vertvixen!
Nyla Rose power bombed Vertvixen. She tried for another one, but Vertvixen escaped. Vertvixen tripped up Rose and then connected with a double stomp to Nyla’s back. Nyla quickly regained momentum, draping Vertvixen across the ropes and hitting the leg drop. Nyla scored the pin after a Beast Bomb!
“There’s no surviving that,” said Caprice.
Survival of the Fittest Six-Way Elimination Match!
Dalton Castle vs. Komander (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Lee Moriarty vs. Lee Johnson vs. Kyle Fletcher vs. Bryan Keith
The winner will be crowned the new ROH World Television champion!
Fletcher tagged himself in, slapping Dalton on the back at the start of the match. Fletcher applied a wristlock to Lee Moriarty and Moriarty reversed it with one of his own. Keith came in and traded chops with Komander.
Meanwhile, Fletcher caught Keith flush in the chin with an elbow strike. Castle charged in and hurled Kyle through the ropes. Lee Moriarty scored with a tope suicida to Keith. Lee Johnson flipped over the top rope and wiped out the pile of humanity outside the ring. Komander ran across the top rope and flipped onto the pile!
Komander ate a clothesline from Castle. Lee Johnson came in and drilled Keith with a Spicolli Driver and a standing moonsault. Moriarty applied the border city stretch and forced Lee Johnson to tap! Moriarty scored the first fall in the match.
Johnny TV came down to ringside and wiped out the Boys! Johnny jumped on the apron and distracted Dalton Castle. Moriarty planted Dalton with a front face lock and pinned him!
“Is Johnny TV happy with the outcome now?” asked Ian.
Komander planted Keith with a satellite DDT. Fletcher shoved Komander off the top rope, sending Komander crashing onto the arena floor. Keith crushed Lee with a Tiger Driver and pinned him!
“There are three men left! Truly survival of the fittest,” said Caprice.
Bryan Keith charged at Kyle with a knee strike. Fletcher spiked Keith with a tombstone and pinned him. This left only two—Komander and Kyle Fletcher.
Komander nailed Fletcher with a springboard poison rana! Fletcher fired back with a tombstone piledriver on Komander right on the ring apron! Alex Abrahantes ran to check on Komander. Finally, Komander made it to the ring, but Fletcher drilled Komander with a brain buster! Somehow Komander kicked out at the two-count!
Komander rocked Fletcher with a springboard destroyer for a near fall! Komander crushed Fletcher with a springboard 450 splash on the ring apron! Komander hit another 450 but Kyle kicked out at two! Somehow Fletcher found the strength to hit Komander with a brain buster on the top turnbuckle! Fletcher spiked Komander with another tombstone piledriver and pinned him!
New ROH Television Champion…Kyle Fletcher!
ROH Pure Championship Title Match!
Blackpool Combat Club’s Wheeler Yuta (c.) vs. “Filthy” Tom Lawlor!
Yuta applied a half crab and Lawlor grabbed the ropes. It was smart positioning and a great strategy by Wheeler Yuta. Wheeler applied a high key lock, but Tom kicked free. Tom and Wheeler traded forearms and it quickly became a war!
Lawlor speared Yuta. “Filthy” Tom hit a pump handle slam on Yuta for a near fall. Yuta attacked the leg with a knee drag. Yuta applied a sitting octopus submission on Lawlor. Yuta transitioned to a cobra twist and cradled Tom for a near fall. Tom threw Yuta with a high waist lock slam.
Lawlor hit a hammerlock piledriver for a near fall on Yuta. Lawlor applied a double wristlock. Yuta grabbed the ropes with his boots and used his second rope break of the match. Wheeler had no choice but to grab the ropes again with his boots because Tom had a double wristlock. Yuta finally escaped and applied an ankle lock on Tom. Yuta suplexed Tom but Tom transitioned to a chicken wing. Yuta grabbed a seat belt tie up out of nowhere and pinned Tom. Tom’s boot touched the ropes, but the ref didn’t see it.
“That was interesting to me. Mike Posey was in perfect position to make the call. Tom Lawlor’s boot may have touched the rope on the three,” said Ian.
After the match Tom shook Yuta’s hand but Yuta kicked Tom with a low blow. Suddenly FTW Champ Hook’s music hit! Hook stormed down to the ring and Yuta retreated! Hook got in the ring to check on Tom and Yuta ran back in and delivered a low blow to Hook! Yuta planted Hook with a DDT!
“Limitless” Keith Lee vs. Shane Taylor!
Keith Lee and Shane Taylor tested one another with shoulder tackles. Lee knocked Taylor off his feet.
The fans chanted “Keith is awesome! Keith is awesome!"”
Keith Lee connected with a crossbody press. Taylor had the next one scouted and countered with the Tower of London. Taylor splashed Lee for a near fall.
“Keith is trying his best to find air,” said Caprice.
Shane Taylor crushed Keith with a leg drop on the apron. Taylor trash talked Keith Lee. Taylor connected with body shots to Keith Lee. Taylor dropped Keith with a uranage. Taylor splashed Keith from the turnbuckles for a near fall.
Keith Lee grabbed Taylor and rocked him with a one arm spinebuster! Keith Lee cracked Shane Taylor with a massive chop. Keith Lee attempted to climb the turnbuckles, but Lee Moriarty tried to distract Lee. Keith grabbed Moriarty and power bombed him. Shane Taylor got up and smashed Keith in the back of the head with a knee strike for a near fall.
Taylor climbed to the top turnbuckle but Keith headbutted him, rattling Taylor. Shane Taylor managed a plant Lee on his head with a Canadian Destroyer off the turnbuckles. Taylor stunned Lee with a knockout punch, but Lee was able to block some of it. Keith Lee hoisted up Taylor and slammed him with the Catastrophe to pin Taylor!
Keith Lee held up Shane Taylor’s arm up after the match, perhaps a sign that they’ve buried the hatchet finally.
Tony Schiavone was backstage with Bryan Keith!
Bryan Keith: “Tony, I’m here to prove myself on the big stage and prove that I’m championship material. The Bounty Hunter always collects and I’m here to collect gold!”
AEW International Champion “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy interrupted.
Orange: “I got some gold right here. Come collect it. See you tomorrow.”
Tony Schiavone: “Tomorrow night on Collision on TNT, Orange Cassidy defends his International Title against Bryan Keith, the Bounty Hunter!”
Jay Briscoe Tribute Match!
Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, & Claudio Castagnoli
Mark Briscoe, & FTR—Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler!
Moxley taunted Dax, telling him to chop him. Dax obliged and lit up Moxley. Claudio tagged in and scoop slammed Cash. Claudio was looking for the giant swing, but Cash rolled him up for a near fall.
Harwood charged at Claudio, but Claudio dodged it, sending Harwood right into the ring post. Moxley tagged in like a vulture. Moxley went to work on Dax’s shoulder. The BCC targeted Dax and his shoulder. Danielson yanked on Dax’s arm, trying to pull it out of the shoulder socket.
Moxley jabbed Dax in the chin. Mox chomped on Dax’s shoulder. Moxley charged at Dax, but Dax dodged him. Moxley hit his shoulder the same way Harwood did earlier in the match. Jay and Cash hit the Redneck Boogie on Danielson for a near fall!
Danielson retaliated with round kicks to Harwood for a two-count. After Mark connected with a Froggy Bow, Harwood covered Danielson for a near fall. Danielson got to his feet, but Wheeler hoisted him up on his shoulders. Mark jumped off the top for the doomsday device, but Claudio was waiting for him with a European uppercut. Harwood blocked a European uppercut from Claudio and stuck him with a piledriver. Moxley ran in with a cutter to Harwood! Wheeler was there with a brain buster to Moxley. Danielson charged in with his knee strike to Cash! Mark and Bryan collided in the ring.
“Every team member is out. It’s a hard reset in the match right now,” said Caprice.
Both teams began to brawl! Moxley planted Dax with a DDT, countering the Shatter Machine attempt. Mark Briscoe ate a European uppercut from Claudio and then the Neutralizer for a near fall!
The fans chanted “Dem Boys! Dem Boys!”
FTR along with Mark nailed Claudio with the Shatter Machine. Mark covered Claudio but Claudio kicked out at two! Mark called for the Jay Driller! Moxley ran in and clocked Mark with a lariat. The BCC ganged up on Mark Briscoe, hammering him with strikes. The teams brawled outside, and the bell rang as it was declared a count-out by ref Paul Turner.
Mark Briscoe grabbed a microphone: “Oh hell no! Referee Paul Turner, you must have bumped your head, boy. This is a match to honor my brother. Let’s restart this match. Anything goes!”
Ian informed us that he received confirmation from Tony Khan that this match would now be a Fight Without Honor!
Claudio bounced Mark’s head onto a steel chair in the ring. Mark fired up! Mark jumped off the chair, flipped over the top rope and landed on Claudio on the arena floor! Mark grabbed a bucket full of thumbtacks and emptied it across a table outside the ring! Moxley dug into Dax’s forehead with a fork! Mark Briscoe walked down the ramp carrying a ladder wrapped in barbed wire! Mark rammed the ladder against Claudio! Mark placed Claudio across the ladder. Mark climbed to the top turnbuckle. Mox shoved Mark. Claudio moved and Mark landed on the barbed wire wrapped ladder!
Back in the ring, Mox whacked Dax with a steel chair. Mox curb stomped Dax’s head onto the chair! Mox grabbed the fork and jabbed it into Cash’s head! Danielson cracked Dax with a chair on the back! Moxley wrapped barb wire across Cash’s head and eyes. Danielson put Cash in the Le Bell Lock, but Wheeler refused to give up.
Moxley put Mark in the bulldog choke! Harwood drove the body of Danielson into Mox, breaking up the choke that Mox had on Mark Briscoe. Dax grabbed Moxley and spiked him with a piledriver off the apron and through the table that was covered in tacks!
Danielson rocked Mark with round kicks. Briscoe grabbed Danielson and spike him with the Jay Driller onto steel chairs and pinned Danielson!
“Tonight, we honor Jay Briscoe, and Mark Briscoe earns the victory over Bryan Danielson in a vicious, violent war,” said Ian.
ROH World Championship Proving Ground Match!
Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Anthony Henry of the Workhorsemen!
Henry smashed Kingston with a double stomp to the back off the top rope. Henry stomped on Eddie’s foot. Henry clubbed Kingston with kicks. Kingston unloaded with chops. Kingston unleashed the rapid fire machine gun style chops. Henry came back with a German suplex.
Anthony Henry spiked Kingston with a piledriver. Kingston connected with a spinning back fist. Kingston applied the stretch plumb and Henry tapped out!
Main Event Time! ROH Women’s World Championship Title Match!
Athena (c.) vs. Billie Starkz!
The fans chanted “Women’s wrestling! Women’s wrestling!”
Athena rammed Billie into the steel guardrail over and over again. Billie was busted wide open. Back in the ring, Athena continued to punish Billie. Athena battered Billie with clubbing forearms to the back.
Billie tried to rally back but Athena planted her on the ring apron. Starkz suplexed Athena into the corner turnbuckles. Starks connected with a dragon screw suplex to the champion for a near fall. Starks walloped Athena with a rebound kick and then a spear!
Billie ripped off Athena’s mask! Billie hit two clotheslines on Athena.
“Athena has created a monster!” said Ian.
Starkz splashed Athena with a senton! Starkz followed up with a tope suicida. She whipped Athena into the barricade! Starkz stalked the champion. Athena rallied back with a shotgun dropkick, sending Billie right into the steel barricade!
Athena tried to suplex Billie from the top of the announcers’ desk, but Billie countered and suplexed Athena to the arena floor! Athena bulldogged Billie off the guardrail. Back in the ring, Athena German suplexed Billie from the top turnbuckle!
The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”
Athena went for Starkz’s leg, but Starkz kicked her away, inadvertently knocking Athena into the ref. Athena hit Billie with the bayonet and covered her, but the ref was still down. Athena ordered Lexy Nair to give her the Women’s World Title. Lexy finally handed it to her, reluctantly, but Billie dropkicked Athena from behind!
“Title to the skull of Athena!” said Ian.
Starkz pancaked Athena with her finisher, but Athena kicked out! Everybody was on their feet chanting “This is awesome!” Athena climbed to the second turnbuckle, but Athena drilled her with an electric chair driver on the apron! Athena hit the Despicable Knee, but Billie kicked out at the one-count! Athena tied up Billie in a submission and Billie tapped out!
After the match, Athena insisted that she wanted Billie to be her minion. Billie and Athena hugged, and they celebrated in the ring with Lexy Nair!
Missed out on this historic night of ROH action?! Don’t worry—watch the replay of Ring of Honor: Final Battle 2023 exclusively on Ring Of Honor HonorClub at www.watchroh.com